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War Tactics!

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War Tactics! Empty War Tactics!

Post  xtelo Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:08 pm

Alright everyone, I am going to sticky this thread and it's going to serve as our main tactics thread so we can discuss what works, and what doesn't, when it's alliance war time!

First off, I'm going to start by writing down some of the do's and don't's of alliance training events.

1. Do get a scrapper bonus to 30% first if you're going to take your biggest swing at an opposing defense leader. Best way to do this is to beat some 10 def people with just 1 card, thus not spending all your attack, and once you get your 30% scrapper bonus, you will hopefully have enough attack power left to take a full swing at a defense leader. Even strong defense leaders can be taken down this way if you have a good attack deck.

2. Do communicate on line! If you're an attack leader especially, and you notice some of the opposing alliance members can be beat with a small attack, please post their names in alliance chat. Not every member has a beastly attack deck, but can defeat opposing players that are only using two cards on def. So spread the love, this way the alliance can get more points, and rank higher.

3. Do support the defense leader...he/she is the backbone of any alliance. The leader is the second most important during these events...so both need to have good/great defense decks. Also keep in mind that in order for the alliance to do great in rankings, the defense leader is going to need to be popping power packs during every alliance battle, so if you have any power packs you have purchased and see a need, please gift 1 or two to the def leader. If everyone just spends $1 and gets 1 powerpack to donate to the def leader, they will have 30+ powerpacks for the event, which is going to benefit everyone honestly. I'm not going to make this a requirement, but perhaps in the future it will be stressed even more.

4. Do help out the defense leader and alliance leader by lending your cards during event. I plan to give my strongest def cards to our def leader during this event, knowing that if he can't be beat, we can't be beat. Please have this same mentality, and also if you're borrowing cards, please give them back promptly.

Now to the don'ts....

1. Don't START a war without first TELLING people about it! This is the biggest pet peeve that anyone who knows what they're doing in wars has. Remember that ANYONE can start a war! If you do this, and do not make sure others are ready, or even present, you will be considered for removal from the alliance. The best thing to do is first post on line and ask how many people are ready to partake in the next battle. If there's enough on and ready for one, then refer to either the alliance leader, myself if present, or the defense leader, rageofdanoob if present, are ready. Not having a defense leader present will allow the enemy alliance to come at us full force, but if there's enough people participating, a war can be waged.

2. Don't waste your attack points on the core! The only exception is if you have 15 attack left or so, and know that you can't take anyone of the opposing alliance members down. However, if the opposing alliance has people with 10 def, and you have 20 attack left, take a swing at them! You get way more points that way then on the core. Also, if you don't have nay powerpacks left, and have let's say...50'ish attack, and are waiting for it refresh, don't hit the core during the current battle. The return on points from the core is awful.

3. Don't attack the wall unless you have wall breaker cards. Instead, we will focus on having some members from alliance with special wall breaker cards take down those barriers. Everyone else, save your attack for opposing alliance members.

4. Don't start back to back battles! Allow a few minutes for everyone to refocus, refresh, and ready themselves for the next one. Refer to #1 in order to know when you can start a battle.

That's it for now, but please feel free to add your two cents to this thread...it is greatly appreciated.


Posts : 16
Join date : 2013-01-07


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